I’m passionate about creating more sustainable, healthy, and empowering lifestyles through the appropriate use of technology.
I’m a highly experienced engineer who has used folding bikes as my primary transport for decades. I’ve led teams of engineers on multi-million aerospace projects, and I’ve used bikes to take my kids to school and do the weekly family shopping. This gives me a rare understanding of both what’s needed to make a bike really practical in everyday life and how this can be technically achieved.
I care about the truth – about objectively finding the best technical solution to a problem. I care about the environment – about averting a climate catastrophe, and also about safe, quiet, and pleasant traffic-free streets with clean air. I care about helping people to live holistically healthy and efficient lifestyles. I believe that cycling is one of the most powerful ways to achieve all these things.
Dr Muelaner (PhD CEng MIMechE MBA) has over 20 years of experience in design and manufacturing:
- Research Fellow at University of Bath (2013-2019): Developing next generation aerospace factories coordinating research across three universities and design optimization for a novel interferometer.
- Technical manager at University of Bath (2007-2013): Metrology lead on €100M Airbus ALCAS project, worked with National Physical Laboratory (NPL) on several projects, managed manufacturing interventions at 250 SMEs.
- Director of Streamline Outsource (2004-2007): Engineering design and analysis, leading projects of up to £3M.